Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Anti-Aging Skin Treatments to Keep You Happy With What You See in the Mirror

Dermatologist’s treatments for anti-aging include Botox, Dermabrasion and Laser Surgery.
·   Botox: Botox is used by dermatologists to remove lines and wrinkles from the aging faces of people. Botox is a toxin from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This toxin is injected into facial muscles to make them relax; reducing their contraction causing lines and wrinkles. Once the toxin is injected, the muscles relax and the lines and wrinkles flatten on the face. Botox are used for forehead wrinkles, lines at side of eyes, and frown marks on the sides of the face.

·   Chemical Peeling: In chemical peeling, chemical solutions are used to remove scars, acne, wrinkles, freckles, and liver spots.

·   Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is also known as sandblasting of skin to create a smoother layer of skin. It is used to treat scars, pox marks, and skin lesions.

·   Schelerotherapy: Schelerotherapy is used to treat varicose veins. A salt solution is injected into the veins. The solution stimulates the blood vessels making the hardened veins to weaken and the vein tissues to dissolve and get removed from the blood stream.

·   Collagen Injections: Collagen injections are used to replenish the Collagen protein naturally available in the skin. Collagen injections are used to produce toning of the skin. As natural Collagen erodes over a period of time, artificial Collagen injections too are temporary and have to be replenished. Certain bio-engineered Collagen products are placed under the dermis, while administering injections. These are readily accepted by the body and supplement the injections being administered.

·   Carbon Dioxide Lasers: Carbon dioxide lasers are used to treat very thin layers of aging skin. The lasers are used to get rid of wrinkles, marks, warts, skin eruptions, etc without damaging the surrounding skin. Tattoos on skin are also removed using lasers. These lasers work on the skin pigments as tattoos are imprinted into these areas of the skin. Depending on the size and depth of the tattoo, multiple sittings or visitations might be required. Skin lesions, acne and damaged skin are removed using photodynamic therapy. This is done by applying a chemical agent at the affected skin and treating the area with a light that kills the lesion cells. Lasers are used to treat vascular lesions involving blood vessels and stains or lesions on the face and neck.

Many dermatologists also suggest anti-aging creams and lotions on the market to prevent skin from drying, damaging or getting sun burnt. People in their 20’s are advised by dermatologists to wear sunscreen to prevent precancerous lesions in fair skinned people, which may develop into skin cancer or actinic kerotoses. Products containing retanol and alpha hydroxy acids are also suggested to people in their 40’s to improve skin tone. People in their 50’s are suggested using carbon dioxide resurfacing to remove fine lines. Age spots are treated using bleaching agents, chemical peels, lasers and liquid nitrogen for this people. All these treatments are administered as per a person’s needs and requirements. As also, a patient’s resistance and allergies to such drugs and medications.

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